Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blackheads: How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads on the Nose Area

What are blackheads?

A blackhead, or open comedo is a wide opening on the skin with a blackened mass of skin debris covering the opening. Despite their name, some blackheads can be yellowish in color. A comedo is a widened hair follicle which is filled with skin debris (keratin squamae), bacteria and oil (sebum).

A closed comedo is a whitehead, while an open comedo is a blackhead. the plural of "comedo" is comedomes".

Blackheads are said to be the first stage of acne. They form before bacteria invade the pores of the patient's skin. A blackhead can develop into a pimple, which is also known as a papule or pustule.

What causes blackheads?

If the skin is not cleaned properly, more blackheads can appear, especially during those milestones in life when they are more prevalent, such as puberty. Improperly cleaned skin makes it more likely that dead skin cells build up within the pores. The pore openings can become clogged, which accelerates the build up of oil inside - thus causing blackheads to form. However, many experts warn that dirt does not cause blackheads to form - which frequently confuses and frustrates patients. Blackheads are caused by oxidized oil, not dirt. Over-cleaning the skin can lead to irritation.

In some cases, blackheads can emerge if moisturizers, sun screens, make up, or foundations are overused.

In the majority of cases, blackhead susceptibility is not heredity, with the exception of some severe acnes.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads

1) Hormonal treatments - contraceptives have often been used for the treatment of blackheads and acne, often with good results.

2) Cleaning the skin - clean your face with a good cleanser, ideally, one for oily skin, such as a salicylic acid cleanser.

You can give your face a steam to open up pores and next, make sure your hands are clean, then wrap small pieces of tissue around your fingers to protect your skin from your nails. Gently extract the blockage. If it doesn't come out easily, leave it. If you force the blackhead you risk aggravating or inflaming the skin and this might lead to scarring. Not a good plan if you can help it.

3) Medications - adapalene is a third-generation topical retinoid, used mainly in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Many patients with blackheads have had good results. In the USA adapalene is available under brand name Differin, in three preparations - 0.1% cream, 0.1% gel, and 0.3% gel. Since 2010, it has also been available in the USA under the generic name Teva, (0.1% gel). Only the 0.1% cream and 0.1% gel forms are available in Europe.

4) UV exposure - exposing the skin to sunlight or ultra-violet light encourages it to peel, which helps unblock pores. Sunbathing or using sunbeds may help. However, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. Exposing skin to sunlight, if overdone, also raises the risk of burning and developing skin cancer.

5) Hair - greasy hair touching the face of your skin can spread infection and in some cases encourage the spread of blackheads and acne. Keeping your hair away from your face may help keep blackheads to a minimum.

Natural Homemade Remedies for Blackheads

1) First, you might want to try opening up your pores and letting the dead skin cells and oil come out naturally (Blackheads are caused when oil and dead skin cells get trapped in the pores. When the oxygen hits the sebum oil it turns black). Simply take a bowl of hot or boiling water, and hold your face about a foot away from the bowl (be careful not to put your face too close because you might burn yourself). For it to be more effective, place a towel on your head and allow the steam to seep in your pores and help loosen the debris in them. This softens your skin and makes it a lot easier for you to cleanse your face. Ideally the blackheads should come closer to the surface of the skin during this steam session.

2) As a second tip, take half a slice of lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and apply it to your face. Lemon juice is very acidic and its chemical reaction to your skin will decrease oil production. It can also eliminate bacteria that may trigger your blackheads in the first place.

In line with lemon juice, you can also create a paste with baking soda mixed with water. The mixture will assist in controlling the oil on your face and help kill the bacteria. Simply apply the baking soda solution where your blackheads are and let it soak for around 20 minutes. After which, wash all of it off and pat your skin dry.


3)One homemade mask is to crush some regular aspirin and then add a small amount of water to make a paste. You then apply the past to the affected area of the face and let the paste dry. Once dry you then gently wash the mask off with warm water. It is said that the natural acids contained in aspirin will soften the blackhead so that when you wash with warm water the blackhead will come out easily. 

4)Another homemade mask is made of equal parts of sugar and honey, you then heat the mixture until it bubbles. Once it bubbles let it cool just enough so that it can be applied to your face. Once you have the mixture applied, cover it with a cloth. Now let the mixture dry, once dry quickly pull the cloth from your face. The mask and blackheads should be removed as you pull the cloth from your face.

5) Aloe vera gel is also effective to remove blackheads.

The list of natural solutions are literally endless. These are a few home remedies to remove blackheads and and restore flawless condition of your skin. 

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